Liberals today seem to take great joy in bashing Donald Trump, however, the way I see it, every voter should consider the following before making a selection in November.

If you’re satisfied with every week or two, Americans being slaughtered in the United States by radicalized, nutcase, Muslims who have been indoctrinated by ISIS, then by all means, please vote for Hillary.

If you’re satisfied with young people working hard to get college degrees and then finding there is no work for them, no way to pay back their college debts, and no way for them to make an honest living from their degrees, then by all means, please vote for Hillary.

If you think that our military forces are able to handle any threat, foreign or domestic terrorism for an example, if you think our military’s current status is just fine with you, if you think our veterans are receiving the healthcare they should in a timely manner, then by all means please vote for Hillary.

If you think that a politician can change their stand on almost every issue in eight short years, then by all means please vote for Hillary.

If you think that it’s okay for a presidential candidate to go in front of a Senate committee and lie repeatedly, and tell the same lies to the American public, and more importantly, to the families of dead soldiers and dead Americans, then please vote for Hillary.

If you think that Americans have become more united and less racially divided, in the last eight years, if you are happy to see innocent police officers slaughtered because someone dislikes, or thinks one of them across the country out of the many thousands, committed a crime for which they have yet to be tried, or even have investigated, then please vote for Hillary.

If you think it’s okay for a government official to put the country at risk by not following a government policy, and allowing classified information to more or less be put everywhere on the Internet, placing intelligence and military operatives at risk of death, with no repercussions to the government official, then please vote for Hillary.

If you think it’s okay for a presidential candidate to run on a platform of women’s rights while allowing their spouse to more or less commit rape and abuse their position of power and then turn around and trash the women who accused the spouse of such actions, then please vote for Hillary.

If you want a candidate who takes donations from foreign countries who have avowed a hatred of the United States, and from the large corporations that most liberals wail against, then please vote for Hillary.

I know not what Donald Trump would do as president, although I suspect he would at least strengthen our military, and not be obligated by large donations from Wall Street, and foreign countries that support terrorism, I DO KNOW from her track record that Hillary Clinton would say or do anything out of expediency and to get elected.

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